
Cost Of Living in Stittsville

Cost of Living in Stittsville Guide

Stittsville, a vibrant suburb nestled southwest of Ottawa, offers a tempting mix of suburban convenience and small-town charm. But before packing your bags, it’s crucial to understand the cost of living in Stittsville. This comprehensive guide Cost of Living in Stittsville will cover your essential expenses, providing specific data and statistics to help you budget effectively.

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Housing forms a significant chunk of most budgets. Stittsville offers a variety of options, from cosy condos to sprawling detached homes. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

  • Rentals: As of March 2024, the median rent is $2,250, exceeding the national average by 15%. A 1-bedroom apartment averages $1,818, while a 2-bedroom jumps to $2,200. Detached houses for rent command a premium, averaging $2,400 monthly.
  • Buying: Stittsville’s real estate market reflects Ottawa’s trends. As of April 2024, the average selling price sits at $743,383, a 1.6% increase year-over-year. However, this is just an average. Bungalows and townhouses could be more affordable, while detached homes in established neighbourhoods can reach over a million dollars.
Stittsville Historical Sold House Prices The table below with the Stittsville area Home Prices (including Condos), Percentage Increase or Decrease over the Previous Year.
Year # Sales Average Price % Change
2015 543 $413,660 2.2%
2016 554 $412,907 -0.2%
2017 692 $441,501 6.9%
2018 633 $468,027 6%
2019 729 $479,987 2.6%
2020 676 $595,978 24.2%
2021 675 $766,490 28.6%
2022 584 $848,105 8%


Whether you rely on public transportation or prefer a car, Stittsville offers options:

  • Public Transportation: Stittsville falls under OC Transpo’s network, offering bus routes connecting you to Ottawa’s core and surrounding areas. A monthly pass starts at $89.50 for adults (as of May 2024) [OC Transpo]. Factor in occasional cab fares or ride-sharing services for additional costs.
  • Cars: Owning a car adds fuel costs (around $1.70 per litre for gasoline as of May 2024, insurance (highly variable depending on factors like age and driving record), and parking fees (monthly passes for public parking lots can range from $50 to $100).




Workers who drive to work



Workers who carpool



Workers who take public transit



Workers who bicycle



Workers who walk




Stittsville Blog | Real Estate Articles, house in Stittsville, Jason Polonski, realtor


The cost of utilities depends on your dwelling size, usage habits, and chosen provider. Here’s a ballpark estimate (averages can vary):

  • Hydro: Expect to pay around $75-$125 per month.
  • Water: Water bills can range from $50-$80 monthly depending on consumption.

Internet: Basic internet plans start around $50 per month, with premium packages reaching $100 or more.

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Groceries and Dining

Stittsville boasts various grocery stores, from budget-friendly options like No Frills to premium selections at Metro. Here’s a glimpse into grocery spending:

  • Essential Groceries: A basket of basic groceries for a week could cost between $75-$200.
  • Dining Out: Casual dining can range from $15-$35 per person, while a sit-down meal with drinks could set you back $30-$50 per person.

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Stittsville offers a variety of entertainment options, catering to diverse interests:

  • Free Activities: Explore nature trails along the Carp River, visit the Stittsville Library, or participate in community events.
  • Paid Activities: Catch a movie at the local Cineplex, attend a show at the Centrepointe Theatre, or unwind at a recreational sports facility. Costs will vary depending on your chosen activity.

Additional Considerations

  • Phone Bills: Mobile phone plans can range from $30 to $100+ per month, depending on data and features.
  • Clothing: Stittsville has various clothing stores catering to different budgets.
  • Personal Care: Factor in the costs of haircuts, toiletries, and medications.
Image showing a row of charming townhouses with colorful exteriors, perfect for Stittsville first-time homebuyers looking for affordable and cozy living spaces

Beyond the Numbers

While statistics paint a picture, consider Stittsville’s lifestyle when evaluating the cost of living:

  • Family-Friendly: Stittsville boasts excellent schools, parks, and a strong sense of community, potentially saving on childcare and entertainment costs.
  • Green Spaces: Numerous parks, trails, and the scenic Carp River provide ample opportunities for free outdoor recreation.
  • Proximity to Ottawa: Stittsville offers a suburban vibe with easy access to Ottawa’s cultural attractions and job opportunities. However, factor in potential commuting costs.

Your Stittsville Budget

Now that you have a breakdown of Stittsville’s costs, let’s explore strategies to adapt your budget to your lifestyle:

  • Young Professionals: Consider sharing a condo or townhouse with roommates to lower housing costs. Take advantage of Stittsville’s free recreational activities and explore Ottawa’s vibrant nightlife with friends to save on entertainment. Utilize public transportation or opt for a fuel-efficient car to manage transportation costs.
  • Families: Stittsville’s family-friendly atmosphere can be budget-conscious. Take advantage of free community events, explore local parks, and utilize the library’s resources for entertainment. Consider carpooling with other parents or utilizing public transportation for errands. Utilize bulk purchases at warehouse stores and meal planning to keep grocery costs in check.
  • Retirees: Stittsville offers a safe and peaceful environment for retirees. Look for age-appropriate discounts on utilities and public transportation. Explore Stittsville’s vibrant senior centre for social activities and potentially discounted programming. Consider downsizing to a smaller home or condo to reduce housing costs.
Stittsville Home by Jason Polonski. A two-story house in Stittsville with a lush green lawn extending from its base. The house is adorned with brown brick, giving it a sturdy and traditional appearance.

Saving Smart in Stittsville

Here are some additional tips to stretch your dollar further in Stittsville:

  • Shop Around: Compare prices at various grocery stores, internet providers, and utility companies to find the best deals.
  • Embrace Free Activities: Take advantage of Stittsville’s abundant free entertainment options like nature walks, library events, and community gatherings.
  • Utilize Public Libraries: Libraries offer free books, movies, music, and even workshops, reducing entertainment and learning costs.
  • Cook More at Home: Eating out regularly can strain your budget. Explore budget-friendly recipes and plan your meals to save on groceries.
  • Consider Second-Hand: Explore Stittsville’s thrift stores and consignment shops for furniture, clothing, and other goods at a fraction of the retail price.
  • Negotiate Bills: Don’t be afraid to call your internet or phone provider and negotiate a better rate, especially when your existing contract expires.

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Is Stittsville Affordable for You?

Stittsville’s cost of living falls above the national average, particularly in housing. However, its strategic location, strong community spirit, and access to free activities can make it a desirable option for various lifestyles.

Here’s a final breakdown to help you decide:

  • Affordable for: Young professionals willing to share housing, families prioritizing community and green spaces, and retirees seeking a safe and active environment.
  • May be less affordable for: Those seeking a luxurious lifestyle with frequent dining out and expensive entertainment.

By carefully considering your spending habits and utilizing cost-saving strategies, Stittsville can become a financially sound choice, offering a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle. Remember, thorough research and a realistic budget are key to navigating Stittsville’s cost of living effectively.

Investing in Stittsville Real Estate. Stittsville street scene showcasing typical semi-detached homes with mature trees, sidewalks, and driveways.

Resources Cost of Living in Stittsville

This section provides helpful resources to delve deeper into Stittsville’s cost of living and plan your budget effectively:

Government Websites:

Real Estate Websites:

Utility Providers:

  • Hydro Ottawa: https://hydroottawa.com/en – Get details on electricity rates and plan your hydro budget.
  • Various Internet Providers: Research Internet providers in Stittsville using a search engine to find plans and pricing that suit your needs.

Other Helpful Resources:

Full-Service Ottawa REALTOR®

Ottawa realtor, Kanata Realtor, Jason Polonski, Real estate agent.

This comprehensive guide Cost of Living in Stittsville is presented to you by Jason Polonski, your trusted Stittsville realtor. Jason understands the importance of financial planning. He’s committed to helping you find a home that fits your budget and lifestyle. Reach out to Jason today to discuss your real estate needs and explore the vibrant community of Stittsville.

frequently asked questions

The median rent in Stittsville sits around $2,250 as of March 2024. A 1-bedroom could be $1,818, while a 2-bedroom jumps to $2,200. Detached houses for rent are pricier, averaging $2,400 monthly.

Stittsville can be family-friendly on a budget. Utilize free community events, explore local parks, and leverage the library’s resources for entertainment. Consider carpooling or public transportation, and plan meals to keep grocery costs in check. Stittsville’s strong sense of community fosters connections and reduces reliance on paid entertainment.

An adult monthly pass for OC Transpo starts at $89.50 (as of May 2024). Factor in occasional cab fares or ride-sharing for additional costs. Owning a car adds fuel (around $1.70 per litre for gasoline as of May 2024, insurance, and parking fees.

  • Shop around and compare prices at various grocery stores.
  • Explore bulk purchases at warehouse stores.
  • Plan your meals and create a grocery list to avoid impulse buys.
  • Consider opting for generic brands over name brands.

Stittsville boasts numerous free activities:

  • Hike or bike along the Carp River trails.
  • Visit the Stittsville Library for books, movies, workshops, and events.
  • Attend community events like festivals or farmers’ markets.
  • Explore parks and playgrounds with your family.
  • Volunteer in the community and connect with like-minded people.